How to get on the priority/recall list
The list is updated once a year. For all sectors it is updated on July 1. In the youth sector a provisional list is created on June 1 that is sent to RTU. For AGE and VT there is no provisional list. The school board has until July 5 to provide the lists to RTU. You must be a legally qualified teacher. (You have a brevet.) In the youth sector you need to have had 2 contracts in three years and the board has to have successful written evaluations in your file. If they have failed to evaluate you in the two years, they have one more contract to evaluate you for the priority list. In VT a teacher needs to have taught 300 hours in a year and cannot have more than 720 hours added a year, in any combination of categories.There are 2 lists for VT, one for qualified teachers(has a brevet) who get preference, and one for unqualified teachers. In AGE a teacher needs to teach 180 hours in a year to a max of 800, in any combination of categories. How to be removed from the priority list These are the same for all sectors.
How does recall/priority affect rehire and contracts Contracts have to be offered by percentage size starting at the top of the list. Generally this means the board works out how many contracts that lead to permanency they have. They then start with the most senior person on the recall list in the appropriate category and offer them the position. If that person refuses, then they offer it to the next person, so on and so forth. The general* order of offers goes:
*there can be exceptions There are positions in the school board for regional programs that do not go to the recall list. The positions for these programs are posted and must be specially applied for. They can lead to permanent positions more quickly, if you are interested in working with these populations. What does refusing a position do? Contributes towards your 2 refusals and you’re off the list total. Drops you to the bottom of the list for subsequent offers. How do recall/priority affect getting a permanent position Contracts are offered from the top (most senior) to the bottom. The higher up on the recall list you are, the more likely you are to be offered a full time position in your category. You can receive a full time position even if you’re lower on the list when the people above you refuse the position. The lists and preference form In May youth sector teachers fill out a preference form. They have a minimum of 5 days to fill it out. This form needs to be completed and returned by May 23. The most important part of this form is the schools you do not want to go to. You will not be offered these positions, but that means you won’t be refusing them and going to the bottom of the list for more desirable positions. The board attempts to place people at their preferred schools, but that is much more difficult due to staffing requirements. The board does not have an obligation to offer you your preferred schools. The Process You will receive a call from the school board with an initial offer. In 2021 the calls will be completed by June 29th. Phone calls can be made prior to the “official” date. If you refuse the initial offer, you go to the bottom of the list, and may have to wait for a second call later on. There are no guarantees of percentages or schools once you refuse an offer. Additional calls can occur in the fall if new classes or funding are added. If you have accepted a job you will not be considered for positions in September. For AGE and VT the process is similar, but is done in the 3 or 4 days prior to a semester or cohort starting. Beyond the priority list Once you are permanent you will no longer be on the priority/recall list. A teaching position is guaranteed the subsequent year. Comments are closed.
January 2025