- Provide a forum for teachers to use their expertise in pedagogy and knowledge of students to contribute to decisions made about the day-to-day operations and functioning of the school.
The Teacher Council makes recommendations. - School administrator automatically
Union delegate automatically
1 to 8 elected teachers (teachers decide number)
These are the permanent/voting members of the committee, others are invited if the board agrees for relevant issues.
Other adminiastrators can attend, but Administration only gets a single vote regardless of how many of them are at the meetings.
Members are elected by secret ballot by September 15. - The Chair and an administrator will set the agenda for the meeting 72 hours in advance.
The agenda is composed of concerns brought forth by teachers and issues that administration needs to consult teachers about. The issues that should be brought to teacher council concern pedagogical impact on the students. This includes working conditions of the staff. The presentation in documentation provides a list of the topics.
At the meeting, the Chair is responsible for enforcing the norms of the meeting. The secretary is responsible for taking detailed notes of the meeting. More details of what should be in the minutes and templates can be found in the documentation tab.
The meeting proceeds through the agenda, and agreements must be motioned and voted on. Points of information do not require a vote.
Consultation is not binding, but if teacher concerns are not addressed repeatedly and it is minuted, RTU can take up these concerns at a higher level.
In addition, whenever the board or the school administration does not concur with the written recommendations of the consultative body, the board or the school administration shall state the reasons for the decision at the next meeting of the said consultative body.
Any teacher attending is acting as a representative of their staff and should be voicing the collective opinion, as opposed to their own. Issues can always be tabled for a later meeting to provide time for committee members to discuss it with the teaching staff they represent.
Most Teacher Councils meet once a month.