- There are three types of transfers, voluntary or compulsory within RSB and interboard transfers.
A transfer involves a teacher moving from their current assigned scchool to a new one.
Voluntary transfers are planned in May and June for the following school year. Compulsory transfers can occur at any time, but the teacher must receive notice prior to it taking effect. Interboard transfers must be primariyl organized by the teachers concerned. In order to transfer to another school board the teacher must find a teacher at that school board who wishes to move to RSB. - Compulsory transfers most often occur due to a change in student numbers and staffing needs. This results in teachers being declared excess at their current school.
Voluntary transfers require a form (annex f, found under documentation) to be filled out and sent to HR at the school board. This form can be completed at any time prior to the end of april for the following school year.
In both cases for the transfers to occur there must be an vacant position at the other school. The board is obliged to provide the union and teachers with a list of vacancies by April 20th. Teaches have 5 days in which to return the form requesting a transfer. All transfers once granted are binding. - Positions are accorded by category and seniority. Preferences are not guaranteed. Priority is given to teachers who require a compulsory transfer. More details can be found in section 5-21.11 of our Local agreement.
Voluntary transfers also become binding once RSB has granted them.
Teachers will be contacted by June 1st regarding their new school assignment.
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