- The ministry accords around 200 dollars a year for every full time teacher in a school board. This money is for the use of teachers to attend professional development. It's most often used for tuition reimbursement of pedagogical based course work and conferences.
In RSB, because 200 dollars doesn't go very far, there is a set of guidelines and application system so that up to $1 400 can be used by a teacher in one year. This money is reimbursed after the activity, once receipts are submitted.
A few key points to keep in mind:
Professional Improvent is work, enjoyable work, but still work. It is not done on strike days even if available.
QPAT pre-convention is always approved.
How often you attend PI events is taken into account.
It is a first-come first-served system. Apply as early as possible!
Popular conferences are often limited to 1 or 2 staff members per school.
It must be PEDAGOGICAL. (About how to teach a subject, not just on a subject.) - DO NOT schedule PIC events in a year when there will be extensive strikes.
- Check the PIC guide lines to see if your course or conference is eligible. The application must be made at minimum 10 days in advance of the event. Earlier is better.
- Use the appropriate form. There is one for tuition and another for an event.
- Include supporting documents describing the event or course.
- Have the form signed by your administrator.
- Send the application form to HR labelled PIC via truck mail.
- Watch your e-mail for confirmation of acceptance. If it doesn't arrive within 8 days, e-mail HR.
- Attend your course or conference. Save all your Receipts.
- Submit receipts and follow-up forms to HR within 30 days of course or event.
- Watch your paycheck for the reimbursement.
- All requests are initially processed by an office agent at RSB. They are initially examined by the head of HR, who forwards them to the president of RTU. The bulk of requests are automatically approved.
If a request is contentious the request is brought to the Professional improvement committee. The specific request is then reviewed and discussed and a vote taken. The committee is made up of equal numbers of RTU representatives and RSB representatives.
It is vital to RTU that teachers select these activities. If there is an activity that administrators want a teacher to attend, then the funds can come from the school budget. The same is true of program certification requirements.