- An E1 teacher can send a written request before April 1st of the year, for a progressive retirement over the next 5 school years.
- They can work and be paid their salary for a percentage between 40% and 100%.
- Their pension contributions are paid and count as if they worked at 100% for the five years.
- The agreement can be extended by 1 year twice during it's lifespan.
- At the end of the agreement the teacher will no longer work for the school board.
- The scchool board can refuse but must supply the reason for refusal in writing.
- The agreement is binding after the first year.
- This benefit is guaranteed by Clause 5-22.00 of the provincial agreement. Forms are in Appendix IX.
- A teacher who wishes to enter into a progressive retirement agreement with the schoolboard has to first contact Retraite Quebec.
- Get the document confirming that they will be eligible for a pension at the end of five years.
- Fill out Appendix IX from the provincial agreement. (found under documentation tab)
- Send Appendix IX and signed proof of retirement form from retraite quebec eligibility to [email protected] before April 1st.
- You should receive a letter of acknowledgement within 5 working days when you submit your forms.
You should receive a signed copy of the agreement before the end of the school year.
You should expect your percentages to be modified by a few percent in order to accomodate student stability. It is in your benefit to select percetnages that make it easier for administration to accomodate you. See examples below
In elementary, it's often a day of the week off per 20% leave. The selection of which day/s it is is the discretion of administration.
In highschool, it's usually implemented as fewer groups taught. For instance a core subject teacher would be at 75% workload with 3 groups of a 6 on 9 course.
Download Filerequest-for-a-progressive-retirement.pdf File Size: 57 kb File Type: pdf